Team rally Take Note.

Teixeira Civic.JPG

School is back in session for all rally drivers! No… not really. But one aspect of school is a routine part of life for any team tackling the stage. Note-taking is a regular part of life for many rally drivers. Rally driving is such a technical sport, which is why it’s important for every driver and their entire team to know every inch of the stage they will be competing on.

Why Are Notes Important?

Note-taking is important in rally because the stages you drive on so complex no two bends are alike. Because of this rally drivers will hit the stage in trial runs while they and their co-driver take notes of every obstacle on the stage. The “reconnaissance notes” are taken before race day, and keep the driver prepared for everything they can’t see. This allows the driver to keep pace, and not allow any obstacle the chance to be a setback.

How Are Notes Used?

Notes are used exactly how you would think they would be used. You wouldn’t study for a test without looking at your notes, you also wouldn’t run during race day without studying for the race and bring the notes with you. Think of the race as an open-note test. If you don’t bring the notes to race day, you aren’t coming prepared and are setting yourself up for failure.

As you’re running during race day your co-driver takes your notes and lets you know what obstacles are coming your way, so you can always stay one step ahead of the curve.

The Wrap-Up.

Recon notes are used to keep you on track (or stage) while you are tearing it up on race day. As you know the most important part of a rally race is staying on pace, and the only way you can do that is to follow your notes and ensure that every note is meticulously taken and followed. If you take your time, record the details and pay attention, you are setting your team up for success. If you can always stay one step ahead, you’ll never be caught off guard… keeping you on pace for first place.


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