How to Store Your Tires.


So, you took advantage of Tire Streets Bulk Buying Program, saving up to 30% on your order, and loaded up on rubber for season. That’s great, but now you 30 tires to store somewhere. You can’t just leave them out in the yard, but you also can’t just throw in the attic, nor can you leave them in a wet basement. So then, where can you store them?

Great you asked. The first thing you have to realize when it comes to “Rubber Care” is that you have to know that TIRES CAN GO BAD. If they are exposed to too much heat, too much cold, or too much water they can become brittle or break down. That makes for some bad news for you when it comes time to burn them.

When you are thinking about ordering more tires than you can put on your car at a time, you must consider where you are going to store them. We always suggest a climate-controlled garage or storage unit. This ensures that they are stored in a cool, dry environment that is ideal for prolonging the shelf life of the tire. If, like most people, you don’t have access to a climate-controlled garage there are a few options that you can use.

The Basement

The basement can be a solid contender to where to store your rubber. There is limited exposure to sunlight, and it does tend to stay fairly cool. There are some concerns that you need to be made aware of if this is an option that you are considering. First things first, it must be a dry area. Most basements tend to be damp and can me prone to flooding. If this sounds like your basement, consider storing them off the ground on a stack of a couple pallets, or ideally a tire rack. This will ensure they do not become submerged in water in the instance of occasional flooding. To combat the humidity, purchase a dehumidifier to ensure the climate is ideal for your rubber to stay fresh.

Attic, Shed, or Garage

For the sake of simplicity, we are going to lump these ones together because the rules generally stay the same. All three of these locations typically are not well ventilated and can become unreasonably hot. If you remember our entry about Heat Cycling, you’ll remember that if your tires go from hot to cold too many times, they can become hard. This isn’t ideal when you are storing your fresh Accelera 651 Sports, since these are tires known for their soft r-compounds and exceptional grip. These characteristics will be lost if they get too hot. Keeping with the theme of hot tires, its important to note that they should be stored out of direct sunlight. These black circles are… well black. This means that they will attract sunlight and conduct heat more quickly.

The Process

Now that we have a couple locations laid out for you, there are a few more rules you need follow to keep them fresh.

Keep Them Clean

Make sure you are storing clean tires. Its no secret that tires collect dust and grime. You would think that its not a big deal since they are literally designed to run on the ground. However, when your tires remain dirty for a long period of time, that dirt and grim can actually start to break down your rubber. No good.

Store Them Upright

I know you see stacks of tires all the time and would assume that its an acceptable way to store them. However, gravity can actually take a toll on them and start to weaken the structure of the tires under the additional weight of the tires on top. There is also the risk of over-stacking. This causes them to be unstable, and if they were to topple can lead to damage of the tire. To avoid this recommend investing, or building, tire racks to keep them stored safely.

Wrap It Up

Protection is key, and tires are not immune to two invisible enemies. Oxygen and moisture. When you are storing them, wrap them tightly in plastic and secure it with strong tape. This will limit their exposure to these elements and prevent decomposition. You have to remember that rubber is a naturally occurring material and is prone to natural decomposition in wet and exposed conditions.

It is important to note, that if the tires are already mounted, it is safe to store them in stacks because the rigidness of the wheel will support the tire under added stress.

To Sum It Up

We know that it sounds like a lot, but buying tires is an investment and you want to take care of them as such. Just remember the golden rule, keep them clean, dry, cool and upright. If you can check those boxes, there is no reason you can’t keep your rubber fresh until they are ready burn. We know it can be a headache trying to figure out where to keep you tires, and these rules can create more questions than answers. If you have any questions on storing your tires, or any other rubber related question feel free to DM us on Instagram or Facebook. If you are feeling a little more traditional, you can reach us here too.


Heat Dispersion and Heat Cycles.


Choosing the Right Gravel Tire.